November 22, 2024

REMAKE – Dialogues on Circular Economy

Laprima Plastics, with the Accademia Olimpica di Vicenza and Impact, a spin-off company of the University of Padua, presents the REMAKE – Dialogues on the Circular Economy project.

The ‘Remake – Dialogues on the Circular Economy’ project aims to promote awareness and education on the circular economy in the packaging and plastics supply chain. Specific objectives include educating the younger generation, involving local communities and supporting academic research in the field

The project aims to:

  • raise awareness of the importance of the circular economy, involving at least 400 young people under 35 and 550 citizens;
  • recognise and award prizes to the two best dissertations on the subject; create a replicable model for raising environmental awareness;
  • create a replicable model of environmental awareness-raising.

Main Activities:
➢ Three evening events with guests of national relevance, five educational meetings with schools, awarding of prizes and promotional activities.
➢ MECI – Museo dell’economia circolare itinerante (Itinerant Museum of the Circular Economy ): creation and exhibition of educational content on the plastics supply chain, an innovation that facilitates the widespread dissemination of information and raises awareness among different audiences through interactive and engaging exhibitions, thus supporting sustainable cultural change.
➢ Production of educational videos on good plastic recycling practices to be used at events and in schools.

The developed good practice to be promoted as a circularity model is RecycleYourBoots, a circular economy project (already financed by the Life programme) that transforms old used boots into second-generation materials, saving energy resources and reducing CO2 emissions.
