Certification | Plastic Second Life PSL

Plastic second life PSL | From industrial waste
We are pleased to announce that we have obtained thePlastic Second Life PSL | From Industrial Waste, which certifies that our products, obtained from the use of recycled materials, comply with the requirements specified in the Certification Regulations “Second Life Plastic” Ed. 1 rev. 3 of 09/2018, issued by the Institute for the Promotion of Recycled Plastics (IPPR) of Milan.
The certification of ecological conformity Plastic Second Life PSL | From Industrial Waste, certifies the recycled content and the traceability of materials, semi-finished products: manufactured products made using from 30 to 100% of polymers derived from industrial waste, which comply with the minimum contents of recycled plastic materials compliant with UNI 10667 standards, as reported in the application of the Italian Ministry of the Environment of 4 August 2004.
✓ Plastic Second Life PSL | From Industrial Waste is one of the types of certification listed in the decree of the Italian Minister of Ecological Transition relating to the tax credit for the purchase of recycled products. In particular, for the year 2020 a credit equal to 25% of the expenditure incurred for the purchase of semi-finished products and products containing at least 75% of recycled materials is recognized, up to a maximum amount of 10 thousand euros for each beneficiary, paid according to the order in which the admissible applications are presented, up to a total limit of 10 million euros.
☛ Go to the page of the Italian Ministry of Ecological Transition where you can find all the information and forms.
«The certification of ecological conformity Plastic Second Life PSL | From industrial waste, certifies the recycled content and the traceability of materials, semi-finished and manufactured products made using from 30 to 100% of polymers derived from industrial waste».
What this is all about?
The eco-compliance called “Plastic Second Life” is the tool to certify products of which the company ensures the identification, traceability and the percentage content of recycled plastics from post-consumer waste or pre-consumption or from their mixtures for the production of manufactured articles or their components
- The Brand Plastic Second Life is based on a certification scheme based on the Decree 8 May 2003, n. 203 and the application circular of the Ministry of Environment of 4 August 2004 and, only for the raw materials, the series of UNI 10667.
- The Brand Plastic Second Life is issued for materials and products certified by IIP which the manufacturer guarantees the identification, traceability and the percentage content of plastic from post-consumer materials used for the production of the same products, or parts thereof, within the limits technological laid down in that circular.
- The certification activities seeks the ultimate goal of providing the market with assurance that the manufacturer is able to continuously implement an effective system of identification, traceability and controls carried out and described in a technical procedure developed by the manufacturer and verified by IIP.
- The brand Plastic Second Life is a unique eco-label and is an environmental certification system product, dedicated to materials and articles made from the recycling of waste Plastics.
- The brand Plastic Second Life introduces the concept of “quality” in recycling plastics and the concept of “traceability” of recycled materials.
Secondary Raw Materials
The role of PSL in the identification of Secondary Raw Materials:
- The legal concept of “Secondary Raw Materials” descends from the waste legislation.
- In particular, the DM 5/2/1998 provides that the plastic waste in processes to be such when it conforms to the specification UNI-UNIPLAST 10667 (Att. 1, all sub. 1, typ. 6.1 and 6.2 of the DM 5/2 / 1998).
- This compliance shall be demonstrated by an expert on the material.
- The “Plastic Second Life” brand verifying the compliance of the material to the specific UNI-UNIPLAST 10667, is technical and appropriate legal instrument to classify plastic commodities second life.